Traditional students may receive transfer credit for a maximum of six (6) Colgate credits. Transfer students have their transfer credit threshold established upon admission (see the University Catalog for more details). Regardless of threshold, all courses taken at an institution other than Colgate, including: approved programs, summer or intersession courses, courses during a leave of absence from Colgate, Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate or other international exam credits, and college credits earned prior to matriculating at Colgate will be calculated towards the total transfer credit value. (See “Advanced Placement and Pre-matriculation Transfer Credit” in the section below.)
To be eligible for transfer, courses must be taken at a regionally accredited college or university (U.S., Canada), or on an approved study-abroad program. Course content must be comparable to courses offered at Colgate and fit within the scope of our liberal arts curriculum. (Business, marketing, vocational or professional courses, clinical or fieldwork, and National Outdoor Leadership [NOLS] courses are examples of courses that will not be considered.)
A course transferred as 0.75 or more Colgate credits is eligible to fulfill requirements if it also meets eligibility as described below. (See the Unit of Credit section below for more details on credit conversion rules.)
Transfer courses that are directly equivalent to courses offered at Colgate ("direct equivalents") will be recorded with the Colgate subject and course number (e.g., ARTS 100).
Courses that are not directly equivalent to courses offered at Colgate ("non-direct equivalents") will be recorded with an appropriate Colgate subject code (usually aligned to the dept/program of the host institution). The course number will begin with a single digit to indicate the level and a two character code to indicate the type of transfer credit (e.g., A 300-level political science course taken on an approved program will be recorded as "POSC 3AP." A 100-level religion course taken over the summer will be recorded as "RELG 1TR." A 200-level economics course taken on a study group will recorded as "ECON 2SG.")
Non-direct equivalents may count toward a major or minor at the discretion of the department/program. This determination is made during the Course Equivalency process described in the sections below.
Colgate University operates on a course credit system. The registrar’s office will determine the amount of Colgate credit to be granted. The awarding of more than 1 course credit for a course without an exact equivalence in the Colgate curriculum requires approval by the Associate Dean of Faculty for Curricular and Academic Affairs, and is approved only in exceptional situations.
The majority of US institutions use a semester- or quarter-hour system. Colgate will award one-quarter course credit per semester hour, and one-sixth of a course credit per quarter hour (rounded to the nearest quarter credit), up to the course credit offered by Colgate for the equivalent course.
The units of credit utilized by institutions outside of the United States varies widely. Some institutions will convert their unit of credit to semester credits as a standard formula and Colgate will use that formula when available/applicable. Another popular credit system is the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS). Examples of Colgate credits converted to both semester and quarter hour credits as well as ECTS are listed in the table below.
Students seeking any type of transfer credit must complete and submit a Transfer Course Equivalency form for each course being considered and confirm which courses are being taken using the Course Selection form.
Step 1: Course Equivalency Form
Students submit courses for review/approval. It's expected that students will submit more courses than they anticipate taking because there are no guarantees that a particular course will be open/available at the time of registration.
Step Two: Course Selection Form
After all courses have been reviewed/approved by the registrar’s office and, if applicable, the relevant department/program, students must identify which courses they have enrolled in at the host institution.
For more detailed information, guidance, and appropriate timing on submitting these forms, please see the "Course Equivalency and Course Selection form and instructions" accordions in the relevant sections below.
Courses being reviewed by departments and programs may require additional information before approval can be granted. Please review the Transfer Credit Evaluator list for details on the required materials and the transfer credit evaluator for each department and program.
During a regular fall or spring semester, Colgate students may elect to study off campus from a select list of Approved Programs. Please contact the Office of Off-Campus Study for information about the application process.
All grades earned in coursework completed on Approved Programs will be recorded on the Colgate transcript, though not factored into the Colgate GPA. All courses in which a passing grade is earned will count towards graduation credit. A grade of C or higher is normally required for major or minor credit.
Please see the Colgate University Catalog for additional information regarding participation in Approved Programs.
Course Equivalency and Course Selection form and instructionsHaving transfer credit approved for Approved Programs is a two step process. Prior to submitting the course equivalency form, you must review the department transfer credit policies in the University Catalog. There are some departments/programs that want to discuss your plans before you submit a course equivalency form and there are some departments/programs that have required procedures beyond those set forth here. Failure to follow all rules and procedures will cause delays in the review/approval process.
Access to the Approved Program Course Equivalency form is dependent upon you confirming your program of choice with Off-Campus Study. If you click the Approved Program radio button and see the note "Your current status does not allow you to use this form. " or if the wrong program displays in the Activity Code field, please contact Off-Campus Study immediately. You will have to wait for them to update your record before submitting the Course Equivalency form.
This form should be submitted by April 15 for fall Approved Programs, and November 15 for spring Approved Programs. You should also submit this form if additional courses need evaluating upon your arrival in the host country. You are encouraged to submit alternate courses for review, in case you are not able to register for your top choices. You must submit an equivalency form for each course you want reviewed (one course per form).
Once received, the registrar’s office will start the evaluation process, which typically takes 1-2 weeks. You will be notified of the outcome (approval or denial) as soon as possible. If approved, you will receive an email with a link to your completed form. Be sure to read and keep all approval emails. You will need the document ID number indicated in the approval email to complete the second step of the process – the course selection form.
NOTE: Independent studies are only eligible for credit when they are a required part of the Approved Program and have been approved by a Colgate department. The Application for Independent Study on Approved Programs form is available in the Office of the Registrar, and must be submitted at the same time as the course equivalency requests.
Because you likely submitted preferred and alternate courses for review during the Course Equivalency process, the course selection form is used to confirm which course(s) you are taking at the host institution. The selection form should be completed after you've received all of your course equivalency approvals and after you've officially registered for your courses at the host institution.
Your completed form will be reviewed by the registrar’s office within 3-5 business days. Upon review, the credit value for each course will be assigned as well as an overall transfer credit total. This lets you know where you stand in relation to the maximum number of transfer credits you can receive at Colgate.
Once your course selection form is approved by the registrar's office, you are officially cleared to take and receive credit for the approved courses.
Schedule changes after submitting your Course Selection form:
If you make any schedule changes at the host institution after you've submitted the Course Selection form you must inform the registrar's office of the changes.
We do not recommend taking classes that have not been officially approved by the registrar's office.
After completing an Approved Program - final steps to have credit awardedAfter completing an Approved Program, students must:
Credit for Approved Program courses will not be recorded on a student’s Colgate transcript until these requirements have been met.
Final transcripts and any final department/program approvals for fall and spring programs must be submitted no later than the fall term of the next academic year. The specific deadline is posted on the academic calendar for the given year and is typically two weeks before registration (approximately late October/early November). Failure to meet the deadline will result in a registration hold, which will prevent the student from registering for the spring term. Students who submit paperwork after the deadline but before the week of registration will forfeit their assigned registration time and be reassigned a registration time after all other students in their class year.
If you have any questions, please email or call 315-228-7408.
Students should refer to the Transfer Course Equivalency Form for assistance in selecting appropriate summer courses.
Students seeking transfer credit for summer study outside of the United States may be required to meet with an adviser from the Off-Campus Study Office to discuss their plans. Transfer credit from summer study abroad will only be considered from U.S. university-led programs, direct enrollment at a foreign university, or from providers listed on Colgate’s Approved Programs list.
Courses taken during a summer or intersession term are recorded on the Colgate transcript with a grade of TR and are not computed in the Colgate GPA; a minimum grade of C is required in order for a course to be eligible for transfer.
Transfer credit is not awarded for independent studies, field research, or other experiential learning courses. See the Office of the Career Services web page for requirements regarding credit for internships.
During summer terms, students may not be simultaneously enrolled in courses which will lead to more than 2 course credits. Additional credit may be earned in non-overlapping sessions, up to the limit of 4 total course credits, in one summer. Courses taken during summer sessions that overlap with Colgate's spring or fall term dates are not eligible for transfer.
Summer/intersession courses do not count toward Common Core curriculum or Global Engagements requirements but may satisfy Areas of Inquiry and/or Liberal Arts Practices if taken post-matriculation and the determined equivalency is appropriate. Major/minor requirements can be fulfilled with summer/intersession courses if approved by the department/program during the Course Equivalency process.
A summer transfer course equivalency form must be submitted to the registrar's office at least one month before the start of the course. If you are seeking major/minor credit, a Natural Science course, or an English course, the appropriate department must also review the course information, which will require additional processing time beyond the month the registrar’s office requires. The course equivalency form requires a course description and/or syllabus, as well as verification of credit value, term dates, days, and times. If you submit the form less than one month before the course starts it will still be reviewed, but you may receive it back after the course has started.
To be reviewed for a credit award after completion of a summer course, a student must:
Course syllabi will be reviewed by departments and programs to assess course content, assignments, and overall quality and comparability to Colgate courses. The review will not affect the student’s ability to receive transfer credit for courses already completed, provided that the course was pre-approved by the registrar’s office.
Not every online summer course offered by each institution will be eligible for transfer credit. Courses must meet all requirements for general summer transfer (see previous section) and must be pre-approved using the course equivalency/course selection process as described below.
Having courses approved for summer transfer credit is a two step process. Prior to submitting the course equivalency form, you must review the department transfer credit policies in the University Catalog. There are some departments/programs that want to discuss your plans before you submit a course equivalency form and there are some departments/programs that have required procedures beyond those set forth here. Failure to follow all rules and procedures will cause delays in the review/approval process.
This form should be submitted at least one month prior to the start of your course(s). While you may not take more than 2 courses per summer session, you are encouraged to submit alternate courses for review, in case you are not able to register for your top choice(s). You must submit an equivalency form for each course you want reviewed (one course per form).
Once received, the registrar’s office will start the evaluation process, which typically takes 1-2 weeks. You will be notified of the outcome (approval or denial) as soon as possible. If approved, you will receive an email with a link to your completed form. Be sure to read and keep all approval emails. You will need the document ID number indicated in the approval email to complete the second step of the process – the course selection form.
Because you likely submitted multiple courses for review during the Course Equivalency process, the course selection form is used to confirm which course(s) you plan to take. The selection form should be completed after you've received all of your course equivalency approvals and before you've officially registered for the course(s) at the host institution.
Your completed form will be reviewed by the registrar’s office within 3-5 business days. Upon review, the credit value for each course will be assigned as well as an overall transfer credit total. This lets you know where you stand in relation to the maximum number of transfer credits you can receive at Colgate.
Once your course selection form is approved by the registrar's office, you are officially cleared to take and receive credit for the approved course(s). Should anything change, or you need an additional course reviewed, you must submit a new form as soon as possible. We do not recommend taking classes that have not been officially approved by the registrar's office.
After completing a summer course - final steps to have credit awardedAfter completing a summer course, students must:
Credit for summer courses will not be recorded on a student’s Colgate transcript until these requirements have been met.
If you have any questions, please email or call 315-228-7408.