How to open Habib Bank Limited (HBL) account .

Habib Bank Limited (HBL) is specially primarily based in Karachi, Pakistan and owned by way of the Agha Khan Fund for Economic Development. The financial institution has a total of 1700 branches throughout the world with 2100 ATMs, serving 14 million clients globally. The financial institution got here into existence in 1941 and later on became Pakistan’s first commercial bank.

Some of the key elements of HBL internet banking are noted below:

Let’s look at the 3 types of accounts you can apply for at HBL.

Types of accounts:

Table of Contents

Current Account:

2 types of people can apply for a current account at HBL:

Salaried employee:
To open a current account in HBL, you need to accumulate the following documents before applying:

Business owner:
Opening a current account as a business owner, you need to provide the following record to the banker at time of application:

After providing these documents, you need to fill a banking form while you’re at the bank and you’ll also need to submit a minimum fee of 25,000 PKR and as well as maintain a minimum balance of 25,000 PKR to avoid tax imposition (this fee is for HBL freedom current account), for other types of current account, visit the HBL website.

Features of HBL current account:

Savings account:

Opening a savings account is much similar to opening a current account, there are 2 types of users/customers who can apply for a savings account at HBL:

Salaried employee:
To open a savings account in HBL, you need to accumulate the following documents before applying:

Business owner:
Opening a savings account as a business owner, you need to provide the following record to the banker at time of application:

After providing the above documents, you’ll also need to submit a minimum fee of 10000 PKR for account opening and as well as maintain a minimum balance of 10000 PKR ( this is for the HBL value savings account), for opening fee of other types of HBL savings account visit their website.

Savings account of HBL has an interest rate of 8.51%(for the HBL value savings account) while the current account has an annual equivalence rate(AER)/interest rate of 0%.

Features of HBL Savings Account:

MoneyClub account:

HBL also provides minors under the age of 18 with their own savings account called the MoneyClub account and this account will be opened with just 1 PKR payment at HBL.

Features of MoneyClub account:

So if you feel like opening your MoneyClub account, head onto your nearest HBL branch with your parents to apply.