NYS Homeowners- Be Aware of the Real Property Tax Relief Credit

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The Real Property Tax Relief Credit NY-IT-229 (RPTR) was implemented to provide relief to New York State (NYS) taxpayers who own qualified real property in the state. The Credit takes effect for tax years beginning on or after January 1, 2021 and is also available for 2022-23 school tax assessments. (source: https://www.tax.ny.gov/pit/property/homeowner-tax-rebate-credit.htm)

The credit ranges from $250 to $350; anything calculated under $250 cannot be taken. This is considered a refundable credit.

There are specific requirements that must be met in order to be eligible to claim the RPTR credit. These requirements are listed as follows:

Please note, taxpayers who itemize deductions on their NYS tax return must reduce the amount of itemized deductions claimed by the amount of the Credit.

Qualified Real Property Taxes (QRPT) are defined as taxes assessed that are related to a qualified taxpayer’s residence. If multiple residences are owned, then the QRPT would be the aggregation of the prorated QRPT allocated to each residence based on the period of time the taxpayer lived at each residence. In other words, taxpayers must allocate the QRPT based on the number of days lived in each residence during the tax year.

This program provides a great benefit to NYS property owners that qualify. If there are any questions regarding the NYS Real Property Tax Relief Credit or any other State credits, please contact EFPR Group today!

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